Lost Disk after DBaaS Restart via Cloud Service Console

I have created a DBaaS instance three weeks ago, and now it was time to attach new storage in the Oracle Compute Cloud Service  to have additional disk space for some Trivadis tools. But after a reboot with a mouse-click in the DBaaS Cloud Service Console, the disk was lost and had to be re-attached. The procedure to add additional storage is documented in this Oracle tutorial: http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/cloud/dbaas/OU/IntroDBaaS/AddStorageDBaaSInstance/AddStorageDBaaSInstance.html Creating additional  Storage in the Oracle Compute Cloud Service In the Create Storage Volume menu, I have created a new storage volume of 10GB and attached it to my running DBaaS instance called TrivadisExPerf. OS Verfication After some minutes waiting, I logged in on the database server to verify the operation. The…

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Patching a DBaaS Database in the Oracle Cloud

To apply a Patch on a Database which is hosted by Oracle is done with one mouse click. This service is available only if you have selected the full database service during the DBaaS order process. To the manual: https://docs.oracle.com/cloud/latest/dbcs_dbaas/CSDBI/GUID-50BDEF7D-A30E-4B32-BAE7-486538413E2D.htm#CSDBI3422 Patchset Availability As soon as a new Oracle patchset is available, you can see that in the database management dashboard of the selected database. The precheck function verifies if the selected database is ready to patch. Precheck Result After 2 until 3 minutes and a refresh of the page you see the result.               Command Line Interface dbpatchm If you have no web access, all these steps can be executed manually in the shell.…

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