Patching a DBaaS Database in the Oracle Cloud

To apply a Patch on a Database which is hosted by Oracle is done with one mouse click. This service is available only if you have selected the full database service during the DBaaS order process. To the manual: Patchset Availability As soon as a new Oracle patchset is available, you can see that in the database management dashboard of the selected database. The precheck function verifies if the selected database is ready to patch. Precheck Result After 2 until 3 minutes and a refresh of the page you see the result.               Command Line Interface dbpatchm If you have no web access, all these steps can be executed manually in the shell.…

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Oracle Enterprise Manager 12cR5 – Clone a PDB to the Oracle Cloud

Cloning an on-premise PDB to the Oracle Cloud is basically done in three steps. 1. Select your PDB – 2. Start Clone Menu – 3. Verify new PDB. In the basic clone menu, Oracle uses some default settings in the background, for example the source datafiles will be packed in a compressed file which is located in /tmp directory of the source server. When your /tmp directory is too small, the clone process fails. Why this directory is used? I don’t know. But it could be a problem when you clone bigger databases. Maybe we can edit the clone procedure, but this is a task for me for a day when it’s raining outside… All cloning steps are well monitored,…

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Oracle Enterprise Manager 12cR5 – Let’s connect to the Oracle Cloud

Since EM12c Release 5 Oracle has integrated the connection to the Oracle cloud, databases can be monitored and handled very easy, on-premise databases and cloud databases are now managed in one tool. Adding a cloud database to an on-premise EM12c from is very easy and done in a few steps: Create a SSH key Create a DBaaS instance on Configure a local Linux agent as Hybrid Cloud Gateway Agent Create an EM12c credential for SSH login Install EM12c Agent via push method on the DBaaS machine Discover and add the new targets Enjoy A few documents are available how this setup has to be done. But the best way to get some experience is just to do it.…

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EM12c Cloud Control – falsche Anzeige nach Rollentausch

Ausgangslage Nach einem manuellen Switchover auf Kommandozeile mit DGMGRL wird in EM12c Cloud Control die falsche Rolle angezeigt respektive nicht aktualisiert. Wenn man aber die Detailseite vom Target ansieht, so wird die Rolle richtig dargestellt. Analyse Das Verhalten kam mir bekannt vor, das gab es auch schon in EM11g Grid Control. Es gibt dazu die My Oracle Support Note Database Role not shown correctly in EM after switchover (Doc ID 1645496.1). Once switchover is done outside EM using dgmgrl and once this is done successfully, the roles of databases are not reflected correctly(targets > Databases. Here checking type)  Hier noch der Link zur 11g Note: Lösung Auf dem Server wo der Agent läuft, muss mittels emctl Kommando die Konfiguration…

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Oracle 12c – Zwei Minuten bis “Connected to an idle instance.”

Ausgangslage Eine neue 12c Installation auf einer AIX 6.1 LPAR Auftrag Upgrade einer bestehenden Datenbank mit der “Out-of-Place” Variante auf Die Installation der RDBMS-Software lief sauber durch SQL*Plus bleibt hängen Nach der Installation der 12c Software habe ich auf dem Server versuchsweise die Variable ORACLE_HOME auf das neu erstellte Verzeichnis gesetzt, um rudimentär SQL*Plus zu testen. ORACLE_SID wurde auf einen Dummy-Wert gesetzt damit die Meldung “Connected to an idle instance” angezeigt werden sollte. Doch wie heisst es immer so schön: Erstens kommt es anders, zweitens als man denkt! oracle@solothurn:~/ [rdbms12102] sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Jul 14 12:45:57 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved. Nach ungefähr 2 Minuten kam…

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