Oracle Database Appliance X6-L Memory Expansion – Overwritten HugePage Settings after Reboot

A Customer has extended his Oracle Database Appliance X6-L with Oracle Database Appliance Memory Expansion Kit from 192GB to 384GB. After the first startup, the odacli tool has recognized the additional available memory and gave us the suggested value for the new HugePage settings. The ODA has the newest available patchset applied, OS is Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.10. Update the OS Configuration Oracle suggested the new values for the HugePage settings to 135350MB.  [root@srv20 ~]# odacli list-osconfigurations Parameter User ConfiguredValue SuggestedValue ————— ————— —————————— ————— Memlock grid 386716274KB 386716168KB Memlock oracle 386716274KB 386716168KB HugePage default 67815MB 135350MB According the Oracle documentation Oracle® Database Appliance X6-2S/X6-2M/X6-2L Deployment and User’s Guide – Section 13.14 – we updated the OS configuration by odacli.…

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