Oracle Database Backup Service Configuration –

In all the trials in the Oracle cloud in the past, I used the same syntax below to configure the Oracle Database Backup Service on my local servers. Last week I have decided to order the Service via Now I am an official owner of an Oracle cloud account with a CSI :-). But back to my problem, after my account was created I got the mail with the configuration details. So far so good. Then I tried to configure the OPC package as always: oracle@bern:/u00/app/oracle/stage/ [ORCL] java -jar opc_install.jar -serviceName <my-storage> -identityDomain <my-identitydomain> -opcId ‘<my-username>’ -opcPass ‘<my-password>’ -walletDir $ORACLE_BASE/opc_wallet -libDir $ORACLE_HOME/lib -configFile $ORACLE_BASE/admin/ORCL/opc_config/opcORCL.ora Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module Install Tool, build 2016-02-04 <my-identitydomain> at at…

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From the Command Line into the to the Oracle Cloud – the ORACLE-DBCS-CLI Utility

The Oracle ORACLE-DBCS-CLI utility is a command-line interface tool to manage the lifecycle of your Database as as Service instances in You can create and delete instances, verify and apply patches, scale your instances up and down and many more. The advantage is that you can work with configuration files. And I like to work with such files, if I need 10 instances with the same shape, I have only to search and replace the instance name – fire! The ORACLE-DBCS-CLI utility is available for Unix platforms at the moment. I have installed ORACLE-DBCS-CLI on a Oracle Linux 6.5, JDK version 1.7 or higher is required. Download and Documents The software can be downloaded here: The  ORACLE-DBCS-CLI documentation starts here: Installation After download…

Read More – Create a Storage Container for a Backup in the Cloud

Why to use the Oracle Backup  Cloud storage? During the instance creation process – the full deployed instance, not for the virtual machine – you can select if you want to store your database local or in the cloud – or both. The benefit to store a instance backup by RMAN in the cloud? Storage redundancy, easy access, full RMAN integration and with a service price of $33 / TB / Month it’s a real storage option. Here is the step where you can select the backup storage option. Information Gathering Before you can use this storage, you have to configure a storage container first. This can be done via REST command for example by a tool like curl. In…

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